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Oxygen + Medical Gases
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Medical Gasses

There is a surprisingly rich body of quality medical research into the use of medical gases for health.  Oxygen, hydrogen, ozone, and xenon have all been found to have profound and specific use in alleviating the patterns of disease in humans.  The field of hyperbaric oxygen is rapidly growing around the world.  


Hydrogen generators are found routinely in hospitals and ambulances in Japan and other countries, and used in all cases of acute stroke and heart attack, and numerous other conditions.  In countries such as Germany and Italy medical ozone has been used successfully for many decades. Textbooks have been written on the subject, and despite what you will read online in this country, extensive successful clinical research has been published.


How is it possible then that most US citizens will have heard nothing about it, and I as a progressive doctor had not even heard of them until fairly recently? I'll leave that to your imagination, and instead soon will start building a bibliography in the Learn section of  this site demonstrating the profound value of these treatments. 

Hydrogen Gas

Hydrogen gas had long been considered complete medically inert. Certainly it has been known to be completely safe. As the lightest and smallest element in the universe, it travels through matter differently, and can pass throughout the body, though cell membranes etc with ease.


However it turns out it is not chemically inert inside the body and in fact neutralizes two of the most damaging free radicals, the hydroxy radical and peroxynitrite.  It has been shown to markedly reduce tissue damage in stroke and heart attack and for this reason is now standard of care in certain countries like Japan on ambulances!

The potential for benefit in numerous medical diseases is profound, and in light of the incredibly high level of safety we are now offering hydrogen inhalation sessions in our practice for those interested in trying this therapy.


Call our office if you are interested and we can set an appointment to discuss potential benefits and schedule of sessions best for your particular situation.


O3, or Ozone is a pure oxygen molecule with powerful characteristics. It has a long tradition of effective use with an immense body of medical research backing it up. It has been used for the treatment of numerous medical conditions all around the world for over 150yrs.

For these therapies, please use the contact form  here  or email the office at  to book a general consult

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